Marriage and Singleness (Bible Study Discussion)

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Category: Bible Studies, Audio

A bible study discussion regarding God’s plan for marriage and singleness that began with a question about the meaning of Matthew 19:11.

The very best thing you can possibly do, if you are a single guy, is to do what Adam did and that is to go to sleep. That is until God wakes you up and says “Here she is.” If you are all the time thinking “I get to go to this conference… maybe she might be there!” I got so sick of that stuff in myself that I determined: I refuse to go to a conference because I think I might meet a girl. I’m going to go for one reason only, because I want to seek God, I want to know God. – Charles Leiter

I met this girl and I thought “this could be the right one to marry.” and I knew if I wrote to her, she would right back to me, but by then I was cured and I thought “No way, if God wants this to happen He will bring her back.” – Charles Leiter

From 12/6/2009