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    1 John 5:16

    Will God Give Me Life?


    Will God Give Me Life?

    True life is to know the Lord intimately, but sin interrupts this. One of the greatest griefs behind sin is how it affects the Christian's fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

    What is the Sin that Leads to Death?


    What is the Sin that Leads to Death?

    First John 5:16 says that "there is sin that leads to death" and in the context of this letter he is dealing with those false prophets that are false to the true Christ.

    Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?


    Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?

    Tim refutes the idea that some come away with from 1 John 5:18. The error that born again believers have two natures: the old, and the new nature...