Sin Did Not Kill Jesus Christ

Category: Excerpts

Christian, sin didn’t kill Jesus Christ for you. God (your Father) killed Jesus Christ for you.

In all of Scripture, one little word. God so loved. It's like we're just kind of kept honestly on the outside. What is that? You need to remember this when you think about the Father's love. Sin did not kill Jesus Christ. Your Father killed Jesus Christ. He, Scripture says, who did not spare His own Son. Why? One God and Father of all. Why didn't He spare Him? He gave Him up - what does it say? For us all. It's the same for us all. Or think of even what Isaiah said in the Old Testament: "The Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all." The Father Himself loves you. He says, "I will strike the Shepherd." "I will crush Him." It was the predetermined council of God. God did this. God gave His Son for our sake. He made Him to be sin for our sake. Us all. The Father Himself loves you. This excerpt is taken from the full sermon: One God and Father