Challenging Christian Quotes

These inspirational and challenging Christian quotes are extracted from books and sermons by godly believers that we hope will challenge and encourage you as you run this race for the Lord Jesus. (For sharing the quotes that are in the image format, you can download them by clicking on the image.)

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Martyn Lloyd-Jones

A. W. Tozer

J. C. Ryle

C.H. Spurgeon

Bob Jennings

Tim Conway

Bob Jennings

Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor

Bob Jennings

Bob Jennings

Throughout the long history of the Christian church one of Satan’s most successful tactics has been the use of extremes. This is especially true regarding the work of the Holy Spirit. No sooner has one branch of professing Christendom been led into an extreme, unbiblical, or even fanatical position regarding the work of the Holy Spirit, than another branch reacts with an equally extreme and unbiblical opposing position.

Charles Leiter, Cessation vs. Continuance – The Error of Extremes

There is nothing in the world worth living for but doing good and finishing God’s work, doing the work that Christ did. I see nothing else in the world that can yield any satisfaction besides living to God, pleasing Him, and doing His whole will.

David Brainerd, Two weeks before 29 years old missionary died.

I would be very slow to try to be a public figure beyond my church. If God has a public role for you beyond your church, that will happen without your design. If you strategize for that, it will probably have too much vanity in it to be of great service.

John Piper, C. J. Mahaney Interviews John Piper

To have all the so-called pleasures this mad world scrambles for and yet be under the wrath of God is the most miserable state possible for the creature. To have none of this world’s goods or none of its favor, and yet have the favor and peace of God is a joy priceless beyond measure.

Conrad Murrell

Are our loved ones taken from us, our health and strength reduced, or our financial resources diminished? Is our outward sphere of service curtailed, is our good name attacked? In each and in all of these circumstances we may with confidence remember that God is providing “some better thing” for us; and that in no other way can we be led on into this higher and richer experience.

D. E. Hoste, Prince of God
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